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M-am nascut in Timisoara, unde am studiat la Facultatea de Litere, Filologie si Istorie. 


În 2005 am castigat la Loteria Vizelor si am plecat in America. 


În 2012, fiind in Texas, am studiat cu pasiune tehnici de coaching - intervenÈ›ie strategică È™i schimbare personala - cu programul lui Tony Robbins È™i Cloe Madanes prin Centrul pentru IntervenÈ›ie Strategică. De asemenea, am fost atrasă de NLP - Programare Neuro-Lingvistică, o disciplină pe care am studiat-o cu Steve Linder.


Din 2014 am inceput sa scriu, si am reusit sa materializez dorina de a-mi publica cartile, atat in limba engleza, cat si in limba romana, acestea fiind disponibile pe platforma Amazon.


DeÈ™i pasiunile mele înclină spre dezvoltarea personală, spre depășirea blocajelor de orice natură, spre progres È™i creÈ™tere, tot în anii de America, am studiat È™i FinanÈ›e È™i am obÈ›inut licenÈ›a de CFP® - Certified Financial Planner®  - o formă de management al finanÈ›elor personale si wealth management.


În  decembrie 2020 am decis să studiez medicina energetica. Astazi sunt practician autorizat Codul EmoÈ›iilor si Codul Corpului, tehnica doctorului Bradley Nelson. În sedintele mele imbin cunostintele dobandite prin studiul tehnicilor doctorului Bradley Nelson: Codul EmoÈ›iilor si Codul Corpului  (Emotion Code, Body Code).

Cand este necesar, aplic cunostintele de NLP (Programare Neuro-Lingvistica), Interventie Strategica (Strategic Intervention Coaching) si alte sisteme de echilibrare energetica pe care le-am studiat si in care am incredere dovedita din experienta personala, a familiei si a persoanelor cu care lucrez.


Am un canal pe Youtube unde creez si posted informatii despre ceea ce ma intereseaza, in format video. 

Te invit sa fii parte din comunitatea noastra, si sa te abonezi si sa urmăreÈ™ti canalul de Youtube Laura Hergane si pagina de  Facebook CodulEmotiilor.EmotionCode. Romania




Each tab reveals a bit about who I am.


I am currently located in West Romania, but I used to live, and thus somehow I still am an adopted Texan, and I love love love that. 


In 2005, I moved to the USA and landed in the financial planning industry, I studied and obtained the CFP® certification - Certified Financial Planner®, then I left my promising career, and swayed again to a more creative path.


In America, I discovered my voice and my passion for personal growth, for expansion, and I developed a curious mind. I write in English, I practice the Emotion Code in the universal language of the Subconscious Mind :), and I currently deal with life in Romanian ;). 


When I discovered life coaching, the training, I realized I had been a coach for some time. I consciously applied the strategies to myself, as I was yearning for "something", undefined at that moment.

It, that "something", and the why, came clear a few years later when muses started to visit with me and many late nights transferred on to the pages of my first book, a memoir (Take from the Sun and Give to the Moon).

I continued. With a second book (The Room Above), and I cannot wait to materialize the ideas I have for the next writing projects, children's, cooking, self-help and more fiction.


My books are available on Amazon. Recently, my memoir was translated into Romanian and I am happy to share my story with the readers in Romania as well.


Since 2012, I've been guiding others to find their own resources to grow personally and professionally. To use some memorable words from my coachees: to get out of the rut, to find happiness, to change their ways. And I walked my talk (sic! Firewalker)...  I am a personal-change coach, certified with The Robbins-Madanes Center for Strategic Intervention. I also studied neuro-strategies and NLP with Steve Linder at SRI University / Strategic Brain. I believe that shift is not necessarily change; it's expansion. 

About Strategic Intervention Coaching


Around 2013, after completing the Coaching program, I grew really unhappy with my job and felt a strong desire to make a change. It was a very difficult time for me, as I could not see a clear path at that time, and I could not figure out what was that urge to leave a very promising career. The hardest part was to say good bye to all those beautiful colleagues I had in the financial planning world, to their friendship, and to the support I had received throughout the years.


Now, ten years later, I know that I would have never reached this point where I can call myself a medicine energy aficionada and an Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner, had I stayed on the financial planning and wealth management path.

In my sessions, I use dr. Bradley Nelson's systems - Body Code and Emotion Code. As needed, I tap into my strategic intervention skills and other healing and balancing systems I have studied, used and trusted for my clients, family and for my benefit.


 In 2020 I started my Youtube Channel, Beyond 7 For Curious Minds / Laura Hergane, dedicated to those who have a curious mind to explore growth on various levels.

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My Short Story...

I am Laura Hergane, the daughter of a professional soccer player and a bookbinder, the books should read... These are two aspects that are very important in defining who I am, with and without the subtleties. I was born in the peaceful city of Timisoara, Romania. 

In high school I opted for an education in Economics, then I studied Languages and Literature in college. Then, I won the Lottery, the Visa Lottery, and I move to America. Then, after becoming a Texan, I moved back to Romania.

The story continues, and I now live with my husband close to a wooden area. 


To book a session, you can reach me via WhatsApp or email.

PHONE | WhatsApp: +40731992496

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